PM Modi's 'CBuD' app to revolutionize excavation and utility management in India

Mainak Deb Nath

 Uncoordinated digging and excavation on roads and other public places is a common sight in India. It often leads to damage of underground utilities like optical fiber cables, water pipes, gas lines, and electricity wires. This causes disruption of essential services, inconvenience to citizens, and loss of revenue for utility owners. According to a Press Information Bureau (PIB) release, uncoordinated digging and excavation leads to losses of about Rs 3,000 crore every year.

To address this problem, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a special app called 'Call Before u Dig' (CBuD) on March 22, 2023. The app is an initiative of the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, and aims to facilitate coordination between excavation agencies and underground utility owners to prevent damage to utilities due to digging.

The CBuD app works as a platform where excavators can inquire about the presence of existing subsurface utilities before starting any excavation work. They can also notify the utility owners about their planned work at a specific location. The utility owners can then respond with information about their assets or request for modification or postponement of the work if necessary. The app also provides SMS/Email notifications and click-to-call features for easy communication between the parties .

The benefits of using the CBuD app are manifold. It can help prevent accidental damage to underground assets that can cause service outages, safety hazards, environmental issues, legal liabilities, and repair costs. It can also save potential business loss and minimise discomfort to the citizens due to reduced disruption in essential services like road, telecom, water, gas and electricity . Moreover, it can improve the efficiency and quality of excavation work by reducing delays and rework.

The CBuD app is not only a technological innovation but also a cultural change. It requires cooperation and collaboration among various stakeholders involved in excavation and utility management. It also requires awareness and compliance among the users of the app. The success of the CBuD app depends on how well it is adopted and implemented by all parties.

The CBuD app is part of PM Modi's vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Along with the CBuD app, PM Modi also unveiled Bharat’s 6G Vision Document and inaugurated the new International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Area office and Innovation Centre. He also launched the 6G Testbed that will provide a platform for testing and validating emerging ICTs.

The CBuD app is a step towards making India a global leader in ICT innovation and development. It is also a step towards making India a safer and smarter place for its citizens.

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